“I Love You. And Goodbye”

On this 18th day of remembrance of the tragedies of 9/11, I am remembering, too, the most powerful lesson I learned that day. The people we love are the Most important thing in our lives! When the jets hit the...

A Great Way to Have a Healthier Brain

Have you noticed those ads on brain health? They are on television, on social media, and well, pretty much everywhere. And they always catch my attention. No matter your age, doesn’t having a top-notch functioning brain sound like an excellent...

Junk In the Trunk, Anyone?

This post, “Junk In the Trunk”, is a blog post similar to an article of mine printed in anewscafe.com, a wonderful local online news magazine. I’m reposting it here for your interest and enjoyment! We hear that it’s important to...

Stress, Anyone?

It’s not a surprise when we hear that we have high levels of stress in our modern world. It’s kind of a ‘No kidding!’ moment, isn’t it? So finding good ways to de-stress is important. My favorite stress-reducer? Laughing at...

The Three Modes That Connect Us

This is an article of mine similar to one printed in anewscafe.com, an online news magazine. I’m reposting it here for your interest and enjoyment! ‘Don’t you see what I mean?’ ‘She didn’t hear a word I said.’ ‘Would you...

Push One for …

Have you tried to reach an actual person on the phone lately? You know how it works. That automated voice tells us to push a number. Then push another. And if the voice says, ‘Push zero for a representative.’ it’s...

Junk In the Trunk?

It’s important to let go of old irritation, anger or grudges. Why? Because if we tote around this so-called “junk in the trunk”, it has a negative effect on our own health and happiness.. And it tickles me how often...

It’s All in How You Say It

Ever had this happen? You say something, and all of a sudden, the other person is very irritated, and you have no idea what just happened. Well, sometimes it’s something going on inside them. It’s not about you at all....